

Creating a product solution for one of my biggest cooking frustrations

Discover new ingredients and recipes, that’s what makes me happy after a full day off working. To me cooking is a similar creative proces as the design process is. In which I combine online trends and recipes, with the needs of my target groep (diets and preferences). During the proces I always adjust a little (no I am not good in following recipes), improvise if necessary and always add a personal touch. And end by presenting it as beautifully as possible on my Instagram channel fab.kookt and to my dining guest. Inspiring others to make the same.

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The concept of Kruidenkaartje was born of my own frustration having to buy a new spice jar every time I wanted to explore new recipes. Which increased the threshold for me to expand my cooking experiences. This is why I designed a card to explore new recipes, containing a unique recipe and all the spices you need to create the dish. After a pilot with friends and family I added an option to add a greeting to the card since most of my pilot group used it as an original message to their loved ones.

I have developed the brand, visual identity, website, marketing and business set-up all individually. At this point over 300 cards are sold and multiple parties are interested in collaborating with me. Nevertheless, for now, kruidenkaartje will be a hobby.


2021 - present

