System Design

To have dancers creating the Dancer’s Signatures autonomously and independent from the marketing department, a toolkit was designed. The Toolkit is a Product-Service-System that facilitates the processes required create the Dancer’s Signature. The system consist out of three phases: Collect, Capture and Share. These phases were designed to fit the Dancer’s Signature into the existing structures and practices of Scottish Ballet.

The collect phase is designed to integrate creating the Dancer’s Signature into the everyday practice of a professional ballet dancer. A notebook, which some of the dancers already keep, is the main tool for this collect phase. Next to choreography notes the dancers are also invited to make an experience drawing. Transparent sheets in the notebook can be used to make annotations to the drawings.

During the second phase, the capture phase, the personal notes and experience drawings are captured in digital form, so they can be used to share with the audiences. Hence the iPad application is required in this phase. The application ensures dance, experience drawing and story are captured and combined. The folder contains some extra support in this phase, with more instructions and the iPad stand.

The iPad is only required in this phase, ensuring the dancers don’t have to carry any extra materials if not necessary. Furthermore financial reasons prefer only a few iPads to share instead of an iPad for every dancer.

The last phase of the system is the share phase. Having the combination of dance + experience drawing + story creates opportunities to implement this in various ways in the customer journey of the audience.

The share phase is mostly the responsibility of Marketing. The content of the Dancer’s Signature can be used in various ways to have impact on the customer journey of the audience. Nevertheless the dancers are actively involved in the share phase with implementation cards in the folder. Furthermore the dancers are requested to select an implementation method when uploading their Dancer’s Signature materials.

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